Monday 2nd December
Our Christmas Party
Following recent tradition, we had a ‘Bring and Share’. Look at all the amazing food!
We were entertained by our recorder group led by Carole Beagan. They played numerous Christmas carols for us to sing to.
Well done to Gill who won the President’s Prize for the best Christmas outfit.
We brought donations for the food bank for those who need extra help at Christmas. We were asked to donate puddings.
Monday 4th November
Our speakers tonight were from Blood Bikes Wales, a charity providing a courier service transporting blood, blood products , breast milk for Special Care babies saving the NHS thousands of pounds. They have 19 bikes and 163 specially trained riders. We were very pleased that they brought one of their bikes for us to see .
Monday 7th October
Today we had our Harvest Festival, which was a being and share. Look at the wonderful food we had.
The competition was ‘Baked Goods’ , which we ate for dessert.
The competiton was won by Jean and Shirley who were presented with the Edith Evans cup by Vicky.
While we enjoyed delicious food, we thought about those less fortunate than ourselves and so we brought tins and packets of food to take to the Food Bank.
We were entertained by our recorder group led by Mrs Carole Beagan. We were impressed by their talent, which included three part harmonies. We sang along to some of their songs.
Monday 2nd September
Tonight was a ‘Getting to know you ‘ evening. The aim was to make new friends. We all changed seats and talked to people we don’t usually talk to. By the noise of talking, the evening was a success and many members commented on how much they enjoyed the evening.
Monday 1st July
We had an exciting demonstration on upcycling by Claudia Barnes and her assistant Kizzy from Integro in Caerleon. We were shown waxing, stencilling and decoupage.
Monday 3rd June
Grace Edgar gave us a talk on the history and uses of dowsing.
Vicky, Doreen and Jean volunteered to demonstrate the use of a pendulum.
We learnt that dowsing can be used for many things including finding list items.
Monday 6th May
Despite being a bank holiday we had a good turnout for our the chapel.
Vicky thanked Margaret and Alison for their services on the Committee.
The Rose Bowl was awarded to Helena Thomas for the best results in the monthly competitions.
The meeting was followed by a delicious fish and chip supper.
Monday 1st April
Our speaker was Mike, a former Departmental Historian from G.C.H.Q. , Cheltenham, where he worked for more than 40years. He gave us a detailed history of code breaking and the use of codes during World War One and Two.
Monday 4th March
Our speaker was P.C. Chris Evans who spoke about his work as a Police Dog handler with South Wales Constabulary. We heard about his dog Milo and some of his previous dogs. The dogs are used for firearms support, detection of explosives, drugs and currency.
We had the opportunity to look at a replica gun and other equipment.
Our competition table – All things Welsh
Monday 4th February
Unfortunately our expected speaker had to cancel, we were therefore very lucky to have a presentation by Jerry Felvus and Tony Pead on the future of Ponthir Sports and Social Club. Many helpful suggestions were made by members.
Monday 7th January 2019
Our first meeting of 2019. We discussed the W.I. Resolutions with presentations from the Committee. We then voted for the Resolution we want the W.I. to take forward. We chose Trees – Improving the Natural Landscape.
This was followed by an enjoyable evening with cheese and wine.