Monday 4th December
Our Christmas Party, which was a “Bring and Share”. We had a fantastic amount of delicious food, as well as good company.
We were entertained by the Salvation Army band who played a selection of Christmas carols for us to sing along to.
Monday 6th November
Unfortunately our guest speaker did not arrive so we spent the evening talking with, and getting to know people we don’t usually talk with.
Monday 2nd October
Our Harvest Supper – Bring and Share
We had an amazing amount of delicious food, good company and a very enjoyable evening.
Monday 4th September
It was lovely to see so many people for our September meeting.
Well done to Gill for winning the Edith Evans cup for making the best home made cake. The cup was presented by Edith Evans’ daughter in law Vicky.
We then enjoyed games of New Age Curling.
Monday 3rd July
We had a very interesting talk and slide show about the history of Caerleon by Mr Bob Trett.
Monday 5th June
As well as celebrating various significant birthdays with delicious birthday cake, we had great fun and enjoyment with a beetle drive. Well done to our winner Denise.
Tuesday 2nd May
Our AGM was held at Ponthir Baptist Chapel.
We thanked Vicky for three years as secretary.
We thanked Melody for serving on the Committee.
Then we had a fish and chip supper.
Monday 3rd April
A wonderful talk was given to us by Sally Ablett about her work as a quilter. She showed us many of the beautiful quilts she has made.
Monday 6th March
We enjoyed a demonstration of Gypsy Caravan Tribal Dance
Monday 6th February
Acting President Jane Hodge presided over the meeting. Our speaker – Solicitor Claire Davis gave us an informative talk on Estate Planning – Trust Funds, Wills and Lasting Power of Attorney.