Ponthir Women’s Institute – 4th November 2024
Sue greeted and wished a warm welcome to Bryony Jordan a visitor tonightSue spoke to the membership of the sorrow with which we had heard of Trissy Williams’ death. Trissy had been a hard working and very committed Treasurer; had joined virtually all the groups which our Institute offer and had trained as part of the Gwent Federation Auditing Team. We will miss her.
Sue invited members to take a few moments to think of her and how she battled on right up to the end to ensure that her duties would be undertaken by others.At the end of this silence Sue thanked Vicky for taking on the mantle of Treasurer and Liz that of Assistant Treasurer in addition to their current roles. She also thanked Jane for taking on the committee minutes secretary role from Vicky in addition to her institute minutes duties.
Sue then commenced the business of the meeting with requests for apologies received.
Present: see register.
Apologies from: Val Felvus, Liz Morish, Enid Munsen, Jane Beament ,Fiona Alderman, Shirley Morgan, Gill Wheeler, Hazel Hanks, Anita Hobbs, Ann Beavis
1. Sue signed the minutes of the last meeting as an accurate record: Proposed: Helena Thomas Seconded: Lorraine MorganMatters arising from the minutes –
Food bank – Sue expressed thanks as always for contributions – this month, long life milk, tinned soup, tinned fish, tinned meat , tinned veg, pasta sauce, small jars of coffee and toiletries etc.
Liz had previously informed members that Torfaen Social Services are asking for boxes of chocolates, selection boxes and tins of biscuits to be given to disadvantaged families at Christmas . The committee thought, therefore, that it would be nice to collect for their appeal at our Christmas meeting on Monday 2nd December.
Annual Dinner – The Gate on Monday 13th January 2025: members were thanked for bringing their £10 deposits so promptly. Menu choices can be made at the January meeting. Sue thanked Gill Wheeler for co-ordinating that.
3 Gwent Federation business – Resolutions in WI Magazine. Please read and consider your own choice for January Resolutions Night
4 Special Interest Groups:
Afternoon Book club meeting at Susan’s – 3.00 p.m. Reading ~10 Mins, 38 seconds. 26thNovember at Liz’.
Evening Book Club 7.30 p.m. at Jane’s, Unlawful Killings November 13th
Reading Between the Wines:…The Colour Purple is the book . 7.30pm at Ponthir House November 7th
Sue paid tribute to the group who have rallied round to undertake the activities for changing the post box toppers. She also wished Jude well while she is juggling the varying demands of family life. Jude thanked Harriet Couzens for all her help of late
The poppy blanket on the Ponthir House Barn looks very good as do the toppers. Their next meeting is on 18th November at Helena‘s 7 pm. Helena will be teaching crochet for those interested.
Lunch clubs – Liz : meeting at St Julians 7th November and Christmas meal at Upper Cocks 10th December and Mary‘ lunch Club ;Upper Cocks on 5th December at 12.30 pm
5 Any Other Business.
December Meeting :. Bring food and your own drinks. We will have a long tableHelena thanked the committee and helpers for how the previous meal was so efficiently presented.
Helena gave us sad news of death of June Edwards and she will keep us posted as to date of funeral. Probably at end part of November.
Margaret Hewison told us of Diane Hall having fallen on bus coming home from NEC Craft Show. Bus stopped abruptly to avoid a car She is bruised and shaken. Jane will send a card to her and Hazel Hanks.
6 The raffle was drawn.