
Minutes of the Ponthir Women’s Institute Held 3rdFebruary 2025


Sue welcomed all and wished belated Happy Christmas and New Year well.  She apologied for the need to cancel the January meeting but too many of the committee and other members were poorly for us to continue: hence our inclusion in this agenda of the vote for the National Resolutions.

She welcomed guests:  Carol, Claire, Lynn, Margaret and Sue

Present:  see register 

Apologies from: Bryony Jordan, Jane Ellor,  Val Felvus, Alison Buffery Maureen Lambert,  Fiona Alderman, Anita Hobbs, Renee Chivers  and Gill Archibald.
1.  The minutes of our December meeting were signed as an accurate record?    n minutes – Proposed:  Lorraine Morgan                     Seconded: Aileen Ridley
2.  Matters arising from the minutes –
Members were thanked for all the contributions made to Torfaen Christmas appeal and to the trading stall – with many thanks for continuing efforts. 

She was grateful for the evening’s contributions to the food bank and to the re-gifting stall.
3    Gwent Federation business and financial business –
Vicky reported that Gwent Federation of Women’sInstitutes  has  become a Charitable  Incorporated Organisation in order that the board members are not personally legally liable. This is a very sensible change.

Sue asked for names of those wishing to attend the Gwent Federation AGM (formerly known as the ACM) – 29th March by the end of the evening.
Resolutions vote: Resolution 2 was passed by a large margin (24votes) and will be forwarded
4  TripsSue asked whether members were open to moving the mystery trip to any week day?  And did it have to be in the evening?  She explained that year after year we find our choices limited because many organisations do not open on a Monday or sometimes not in the evening at all.  Show of hands. The vast majority said by show of hands that they were flexible. There were, however, a few members who had their work around the Monday evening trips and these concerns will be taken into consideration in future planning.
6  Zoom meeting of the National Federation of Women’s Institute 4th June.  Sue asked for volunteers, there being no response, she will be the delegate. She would now need to be in discussion  with the other institutes she would be representing. Caerleon had  agreed to provide a delegate but has subsequently been unable to  find a delegate  the grouping is Ponthir Beechwood, Caerleon and Henllys
7  March 21st we have the quiz.  With more than three people interested in being on the quiz team, a ballot was arranged.  After the meeting, non quiz members pulled the names :  Rachael, Pauline and Sue.  If any of these are subsequently unable to attend, the names of the unsuccessful members will be decided by a further ballot.
8  Special interest groups:

Afternoon Book club meeting at Liz’s house  Friday  28th Feb,  3.00 p.m.

Evening Book Club  7.30 p.m. at Jane’s Wed 12 Feb.

Reading Between the Wines:Thursday 20thFeb at Ponthir House 7 pm

Craft … Monday 17th February  7pm to 9pm– at the chapel.  Members need to let Helena know whether they are attending. They need to budget for the £24 for Chapel, tea or coffee,  and materials (between £2and £4 )

Toppers for Valentine’s Day: Helena  asked if a venue could be found and volunteers as the was little time to do this.  Harriet kindly offered her house as venue and  Margaret Ann Harriet  Helena and Carol stepped up to volunteer 

Helena announced that we will soon be given a donation of wool and craft stuff from the son of a lady now deceased. Much welcomed

Lunch clubs – Liz  and Mary will contact members about future dates on WhatsApp
Singing…Sue asked whether we have a pianist amongst our new members – we would like to restart up our group – it would be something Jan Price would have wanted  Sue commented that it was good to see how well we were represented at her funeral. 

Similarly we showed our respect for everything Jude contributes to this Institute when a good number of us attended her mother’s funeral.  Both were fitting tributes to women who had supported and lead activities in their community.
8         AOB  Day trips organised by us and inviting other institutes –  There was a show of hands and the majority said they would like trips in addition to the annual Mystery Trip. 

9 Sue was effusive in her praise for the efforts made by us in hat and toy making for the foreign seafarers. She will pass them on to the Rev.  Noye a.s.a.p.

10 The Speaker was the High Sherriff of South Glamorgan Janey Howells. Her presentation was informal and very humorous. We gained insight into the life and office of a High Sherriff.  Sue thanked her for attending and having to forego an event in South Glamorgan in order to speak to us.