Ponthir WI AGM 6th May 2024
Commenced meeting with ‘Jerusalem’
Apologies:Mary Murray, Harriet Cozens, Jane Ellor, Sharon James, Gill Archibald, Lorraine Morgan Judith Owens, Netta Chronin ,Aileen Ridley, Vicky Evans, Alison Buffery ,Mary Murray, Jill Gunter, Maureen Childs, Jan Price
1Last years minutes were signed off as accurate. Proposed by Renee Chivers and seconded by Fiona Alderman
2Matters Arising :none
3Review of the Bylaw which limits committee officers to 3 years tenure
Helena Thomas gave a historical perspective for its introduction and the dangers of relinquishing this bylaw.
It was agreed to keep bylaw but to suspend it for another year by a unanimous vote.
4Presentation of Treasure’s Report
The Financial Statement from Trissy Williams has been sent electronically to all members prior to the AGM.
Trissy explained the reasons for the decision to change banks from Barclays to the Co-operative Bank, which now allows direct payments for the members who prefer this. Cash and cheques are still being used and can easily be deposited in branch.
It had been decided by the committee to reduce subs to £44 for the benefit of all members and we still had a healthy bank balance at the end of December of almost £5000.
Expenditure was the usual for the Hall, speakers, newsletters, insurance, website, for teams to join the GFWI quoits and quiz events and for various other events.This year we also received two grants from Torfaen Council and the Community Council.
Trissy said that the Trading Stall and Raffle had again contributed well to our funds and she hoped members would continue to support both. We also had a stall at the Village Hall Christmas fair which also did very well.
Financial report was proposed by Sue Lewis and seconded by Carol Jones and adopted by a show of hands.
5The meeting agreed to the adoption of examiner of the Accounts . Proposed by Liz Cooke and seconded by Gill Wheeler. Unanimous vote of members
6 The Annual Report was relayed to members by Liz Cooke from a report by Vicky Evans who is on vacation
Our 2023 AGM took place in Village Hall . So thanks go to Leanne for setting up on a bank holiday
Our review of the year was as follow:
In June our speaker was Peter from Candwr pharmacy about the enhanced role of the pharmacist
July’s speaker was Mary Watkins on her volunteering work in Rwanda
July was also our Mystery Trip to Ffotogallery Cardiff plus a meal for all.
September was a Members’Evening. It took the form of conversation and Icebreakers
October was our Harvest Supper and the Committee provided a Ploughman’s Supper and a quiz
November speaker was Afsham Morgan who demonstrated the proven health benefits of Diaphramatic breathing
December the Christmas Party with Games
January . We were unable to hold a meeting as there was no venue( it was New Year’s day)
February; we discussed and voted on the Resolutions We also enjoyed a guest speaker Natalie Evans from Gwent Police ( PCO ) who gave a very important talk on Cyber Security
March Welsh cakes and a speaker ( Emma Davis Mackintosh ) who talked to us about NHS Services
April:we had a really fun DriveBeetle
In addition we held a Coronation Picnic at PSCC with Ponthir Recorder Harmonies as entertainment. November 26th we participated in the Ponthir Hall Christmas Fayre with Christmas paper covered books on sale and craft items made by our Craft Club. On January 22nd we had our Annual Christmas Meal at the GoldCroft
The President’s Response
Preparing to respond to our Secretary’s review of the year, I looked back at last year’s and I really don’t want to repeat myself, but how can I not? Each of the jobs the committee takes on, they do so very well…….that’s what enables me to stand up, take centre stage and credit, while all the hard work has been done for me. Thank you girls. We cannot say our goodbyes this month as Alison is away but we must record our thanks for her bright ideas and quick internet searches whenever we need them as well as for her running of the raffle each month. She has had a very busy year with another in prospect so between holidaying and getting her girl married……..she has just had to prioritise and we understand that completely.
And my thanks to you girls who lead the special interest groups……..we have gained a reputation as a vibrant branch and that has led to increased membership. Thank you.
My first duty during this address is to congratulate our quiz team and present the cup. The cup was presented to Pauline Hindle representing the team.
We are also very pleased to award the Edith Evans cup for important work done by a non committee member……this goes to Viv Walker for her work on the Gift Aid scheme .
And thirdly the rosebowl: Gill Wheeler gave a report on membership numbers and presented the rosebowl for best attendance jointly to Moira Ganderton and Sue Lewis.
Now, in looking at Vicky’s report, it becomes clear that this year has somewhat followed a theme: health, wellbeing and safety. We have had two mandatory meetings AGM and resolutions, two parties, Harvest and Christmas with two social evenings, September icebreaker and a Beetle drive and five speakers. We voted last year and your overwhelming vote was that this 50/50 balance was about right. This means we will continue with that pattern, although where possible we will have an extra speaker; it was suggested our April evening would be suitable. Do please bring contact details of any speakers you would suggest.
I close by proposing the adoption of the Annual Report – all in favour – unanimous
Attendance Report: Membership has gone up : we have welcomed many new members . Sue Lewis and Moira Ganderton have 100% attendance for the year.
The Committee stood so that the Members could see them and we received no new applicants from the floor but Sue announced that Mandy Vincent and Lorraine Morgan have put their names forward to join the Committee
A secret ballot elected by members present elected Sue Lewis as President for another year. All others suggested by members in this ballot declined to be President.
Sue thanked everyone for attending and supper was announced